ONE ELEVEN Fellowship

We are located in Putnam county near Overton county in middle Tennessee.

Pastor Roger Cooper has published two books. All of the proceeds support One Eleven Fellowship’s ministry.

The Route Dad Took: The Life of Charles C. Cooper

Pastor Cooper has written the biography of his father Pastor Charles C. Cooper.

Charles Cooper learned the rewards of hard work on the Tennessee farm where he grew up. He learned the skills of leadership after he and his new wife moved to Detroit in 1948. Refusing to join the communist party while serving as a union steward, he listened to their propaganda but learned how to think for himself rather than conform to the mindset of a growing Marxist community.

Highly motivated, Charles drove a catering route, learned the art of sales, and served as pastor in a culturally diverse cosmopolitan Detroit in the 20th century. This story reveals how he faced challenges head-on unfazed by opposition.

Click here to purchase on Amazon.

From the Gutter to Glory: the Autobiography of Blanche Lindsay

This is Blanche Lindsay’s autobiography as transcribed and edited from her audio files by Pastor Roger Cooper.

After leaving the mountains of Virginia to find fulfillment in Knoxville, a young girl finds more than she bargained for. A life of rebellion and revelry took her to Detroit’s skid-row where she lost her sight and ability to walk. Alone in the dark, she found light, love, and life that she never found in the places she had looked.

Click here to purchase on Amazon.